miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012


I am Anne Elliot!

Take the Jane Austen Character Quiz here!

Jane's Marriage...A poem

Jane's Marriage...A poem

JANE went to Paradise:
That was only fair.
Sir Walter met her first,
And led her up the stair.
Henry and Tobias,
Miguel of Spain,
Stood with Shakespeare at the top
To welcome Jane --

Then the Three Archangels
Offered out of hand,
Anything in Heaven's gift
That she might command.
Azrael's eyes upon her,
Raphael's wings above,
Michael's sword against her heart,
Jane said: "Love."

Instantly the under-standing Seraphim
Laid their fingers on their lips
And went to look for him.
Stole across the Zodiac,
Charles's Wain,
And whispered round the Nebulae
"Who loved Jane?"

In a private limbo
Where none had thought to look,
Sat a
Hampshire gentleman
Reading of a book.
It was called
And it told the plain
Story of the love
between Him and Jane.

He heard the question
Circle Heaven through
--Closed the book and answered:
"I did -- and do!"
Quietly but speedily
(As Captain Wentworth walked)
Entered into Paradise
The man Jane loved!

Link for reading Persuasion On Line
