viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

Homework Children 4

Lilen, Mailen, Meliza, Morena

1 Jugar al Tutti Frutti con las siguientes entradas

People       The City       The Wild       Food        School        Actions  
sergeant     street           squirrel          sea food      student      swim
girl             green light    gorilla         goose           gym          go

recuarden por lo menos 15 entradas en total

2 Grammar Book. Pagina 3 exercises 7 y 8 deben estar completos.

3 Traer tres ahorcados para jugar en el pizarrón usando Bible Story N 9. Recuerden sacar solo las consonantes y dejar todas las vocales. También recuerden dejar bien marcados los espacios entre medio.

   __ O A__      __ U I __ __ __      A__    A __ __

rta: Noah builds an ark

Homework Children 4

Sophie, Gianella, Eileen, Grace, Maya and Franco

1 Escuchar la historia Biblica numero 9 en Ingles varias veces mas y prestar atención a como la leen ustedes. Traten de imitar al lector.

2 Estudiar Kermit Save the Swamp (las tres partes) para dictado.

3 Quienes NO hayan hecho el vocabulario de Kermit deben buscar en un diccionario online y copiar en el cuaderno las siguientes palabras con sus definiciones.
Free rides                         worm
Water slides                      berry
Beaver dam                      gather
place                                 anymore
old-fashioned                    drained

4 Traer 3 oraciones o frases listas para jugar al ahorcado en el pizarrón con sus compañeros usando el cuento de kermit o la historia bíblica n 9. Recuerden dejar todas las vocales a la vista. Saquen solo las consonantes
           __ OA__     __U I __ __ __     A__    A__ __
rta: Noah builds an ark

5 Esta semana y en las sucesivas vamos a usar el Grammar Book paginas 7 a la 10. Por favor quienes no hayan comprado el libro, aseguren de que cada chico tenga su copia o fotocopia.

6 Recuerden que quienes necesiten apoyo para la escuela pueden venir Martes y Miércoles 15 30 con sus carpetas y libros del colegio. Esa ayuda es gratuita, pero necesito que me confirmen su presencia con un llamado previo al celular. OJO... No esperen a los exámenes que ya es demasiado tarde.

No se olviden de jugar al tutti frutti regularmente.

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Homework Monday' s Children 4

Gianella, Sophy, Maya, Franco, Grace

1. Traer un cuaderno preferentemente de hojas blancas sin renglones para tener los juegos de Tutti frutti todos juntos. Los que ya están usando un cuaderno absténganse de comprar uno.

2 .Tutti frutti
Estas son las nuevas entradas para practicar esta semana. A fin de mes tendran una prueba de vocabulario.

 People              School              Actions              the Wild             the City        Food 

Sergeant       swimming pool       swim               squirrel               stop light       spaghetti

grand-mother        gym               go out                gorilla             green light      grosella

3. leer y releer el cuento de Kermit

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Kermit Save the Swamp (part 3)

"You think it's a good idea?" asked Kermit.
"Why not?" Fergus answered. "We'll all get free rides in the amusement park. I hear they're building a great water slide."
"But what about your dam?" Kermit asked.
"Won't need a dam," Fergus answered. "They're draining all the water."

Just then a musical voice called out.
"Kermit! Welcome home!"
It's Lulu the mocking bird!" said Kermit. Lulu, what's all this about draining the swamp?"
"Yes, isn't it exciting?" Lulu answered.
"But I don't understand," said Kermit.
"Why do you want to give up this beautiful place?"

"Oh, Kermit," Lulu said."Don't be so old fashioned. Just think of it. No more hunting for worms and berries. I'll be able to just fly over to the shopping mall and pick a box of bird seed."
"A box of birdseed?" Kermit said. "But I used to love hearing you sing when you gathered food each day."
"Oh, I won't have to sing anymore, either," said Lulu as she flew away. "There will be music at the mall!"
"Music at the mall?" Kermit moaned.
"Fozzie this is terrible. We have to find my cousin Nemo. I bet he doesn't want the swamp to be drained."

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014

Kermit Save the Swamp (2nd part)

"Hey, what's that thing?" asked Fozzie as they turned onto a dirty road/
In front of them there was a large billboard.
"Swamp World?" Kermit read loud. "I wonder what that is all about."
Kermit and Fozzie headed on down the road towards the swamp.
"Look! It's the beaver pond," said Kermit. "And there's old Fergus!" He ointed to a beaver sitting on a log by the side of the pond.
"Hi, Kermit," said the beaver. "Back for a visit?"
"That's right," Kermit replied. "I'm showing my friend Fozzie the swamp."

Fergus nodded. "You 're just in time," he said . "Pretty soon there won't be a swamp to show."
"What?" Kermit cried. "What do you mean?"
"Well," said Fergus, "A few weeks ago this fellow came around and said he wanted to build a big shopping mall and an amusement park here."
"Swamp World!" said Fozzie.
"That's right," Fergus replied. "So we got together and decided it might be a good idea. We are signing the deal next week."

Kermit Save the Swamp (1st part)

It was a bright summer morning, and Kermit was getting ready for a trip.
"Hey, Kermit! Where are you going?" asked Fozzie Bear, who was passing by.
"I'm going to visit some old friends back in the swamp," Kermit explained. "I haven't been there in a long time, and I really miss the place."
"Really?" Fozzie was surprised, "Gee, Kermit, what's so great about a swamp?"
"Why don't you come along and see?" said Kermit.
"Me? Come along with you? Great!" cried Fozzie, and he ran home to pack his bag.

Soon they were driving through the country side, heading for Kermit's swamp.
"What's a swamp like?" asked Fozzie.
"It's wonderful!," said Kermit. "The trees are tall and shady, the moss is cool and green, and there are beautiful flowers every where! Water lilies!"
"Wow!," said Fozzie. "And I thought a swamp was just full of icky old mud"
"Mud! That is just the best part!" Kermit sighed.

Homework Monday's Children 4

Study: Bible Story N 9  for Dictation (ultimos parrafos)
Build up a vocabulary of Kermit Save the Swamp. At least 10 entrances.
Grammar Book. Exercise 8 from page 57.
Tutti Frutti . At least 3 entrances each day of five days.

Homework Children 4 (Lilen, Mailen, Meli and Morena)

For Wednesday
Study for dictation
Bible Story 9. Last three paragraphs.
Vocabulary from Sesame Street Dictionary for exam.

For Monday
Tutti Frutti. Three entrances each day of a total of 5 days.
Build up a vocabulary of Kermit Save the Swamp. 10 words minimum.
Read and listen to Bible Story 9 as many times as possible.

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Grandpa's Spectacles

These are grandma's spectacles
and this is grandma's hat
and this the way she folds her hands
and puts them on her lap

These are grandpa's spectacles
and this is grandpa's hat
and this the way he folds his hands
and that is that

Watch it here

martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

Children 4 HOMEWORK

This is for Lilen, Mailen, Melissa and Morena.

Buscar en el siguiente Link la Historia de Noah y escucharla en Ingles varias veces. Luego pueden leerla en Castellano para poder seguir lo que se esta diciendo. La pagina tiene una opción para idioma.
Imprimir la historia en Ingles y traerla el Miércoles proximo.

Vocabulario de Kermitt save the Swamp: Dibujar las palabras que mas les cueste recordar.
Estudiar el vocabulario de Kermitt Save the Swamp para Dictado.

Games: Hacer el juego de Hangman. Traer tres frases o palabras mas preparadas para jugar con las demás nenas. Uds las elijen:

     -- e -- -- i -- --      --e a---d-- --

Monday's Children 4: Homework

This is for Gianella, Franco, Sophie, Maya, Eileen and Grace.

Study: Questions 1 to 5 from Bible Story 9 for conversation.
            Bible Story 9, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 for dictation.

Homework: Kermit, save the Swamp. Dibujar las palabras del vocabulario que mas te cueste recordar.
Jugar al Tuttifrutti un poco cada día. En total debe tener un mínimo de 15 jugadas hasta el proximo lunes.

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Monday's homework Children 4

1 Estudiar el vocabulario del cuento de Kermit para dictado
2 Leer en la red y practicar una parte de la historia para contar en clase.
3 Contestar las 5 preguntas de la Historia Bíblica 9.
4 Practicar tutifrutti dos veces tres entradas cada uno (seis en total)