viernes, 21 de agosto de 2015

Children 5

Going to
page 104 and 105
Homework: exercise 6 page 106.
Copy the following vocabulary and study for dictation for Friday lesson

The Secret Garden: Episode 1
Seemed to care: parecia importarle
Was born: nacio
Official: official
Spent all her time: pasaba todo el tiempo
Was paid : se le pagaba
Take care: cuidar
Pretty: linda
Thin: delgada
Angry: enojada
Obey: obedecer
Thought: pensaba
Herself: en ella misma
In fact: en realidad
Selfish: egoista
Disagreeable: desagradable
Bad-tempered: mal humorada
Woke up: desperto
Saw: vio

Instead of: en vez de

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