martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Children 5 A

Gianella, Grace, Luca Ezequiel 

Tuesday, March 17th

What’s the weather like today?
It’s scorching hot!

1 Who baked a gingerbread man? The baker
2 Who opened the oven door? The baker
3 Who jumped and ran? The gingerbread man
4 Who joined the chase? 
The baker, his wife, a hungry boy, a hungry cow and a hungry horse.
5 Who caught the gingerbread man? The fox

How               quien
When             por que
Who                donde
Where            cuando

Why               como

Quienes no hicieron los deberes anteriores deben completarlos (leer y escuchar el cuento en la pagina y copiar las palabras)
Estudiar las palabras del cuento para dictado.

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