Dictation Alice
Hacer: Vocabulario de todo el episodio para conversation y listening
AnimalsHooray! Hoorah!
AliceWhat's a Caucus-race, Mr Dodo?
DodoThe best way to explain a Caucus-race is to have a Caucus-race!
NarratorIt was the strangest race Alice had ever seen. The Dodo marked a circle for the racecourse and everyone stood anywhere they wanted to. Nobody said "One, two, three, go!" but everyone started running. Alice ran too, although she didn't quite know where she should run to. Everyone ran left and right in any direction they pleased. But after half an hour of running, everybody was quite dry again.
DodoThe race is over!
Multiple voicesBut who has won? Did I win? Who is the winner?
DodoAh... yes... Who has won? Who has won? Everybody has won and everyone must have prizes! And she must give the prizes!
NarratorAlice didn't have any prizes for a Caucus-race with her, but she searched in her pockets and found some sweets. She had enough sweets to give exactly one sweet to every runner.
AliceHere you are, one for you, and one for you…
AnimalsThank you very much… oh dear, this has no taste whatsoever… oh, I shall choke…it's rather good, yes very tasty…
AliceAnd one for you – now, does everybody have one? Oh, I must say, my cat Dinah would love a Caucus-race…
AnimalsLet's go! Come away! Time for bed! Oh, is it that time already? Cats - ugh!
AliceOh dear. I said it again. Come back! Please! I'm sorry! Poor Dinah. Nobody seems to like her down here and I'm sure she's the best cat in the world!
NarratorPoor Alice felt very lonely and sad. She cried quietly to herself for a while. But in a little while, she heard footsteps in the distance. She looked up to see who it was. Next time, I'll tell you who the footsteps belonged to, and how Alice got so big she filled a whole house, and what happened when she kicked poor Bill the lizard up and out of the chimney. Goodbye.
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